miRack 3.55 is out

This version mainly updates many of the included module packs to latest available versions and adds a bunch of new modules, including a calibration module for Expert Sleepers (and similar) audio interfaces and a module to send/receive CVs via OSC protocol.

Other changes:

  • New Recently Added category in module browser showing modules added in the last few app updates.
  • When starting a two finger pan and zoom gesture, it’s now much less likely to accidentally adjust module controls instead.
  • The number of AU parameters that can be exposed to a DAW is increased to 32.
  • Other minor UI and rendering tweaks.

This version is also built using the latest iOS/macOS SDK versions. If you experience any issues because of this or because of the module updates, or if you have any other suggestions, please contact us or visit the discussion board.

Sorry this update took so long to be released, we will now return to our normal practice of releasing frequent smaller updates with fixes and improvements from our (pretty long) to-do list.