miRack for iOS comes with an AUv3 plugin. It is available in stereo and 16-channel (8-bus) versions and can be used as an instrument, effect or MIDI processor in all iOS DAWs and host apps.

Same as the iOS version, miRack for macOS comes with a v3 Audio Unit plugin. This AU works in Logic Pro, Garage Band, Reaper, LUNA, and probably some other hosts.
If you want to use miRack in DAWs that do not support AUv3, download and install a separate plugin using the link below. It will work in all macOS DAWs that support AU plugins, including Ableton Live, FL Studio, Studio One, Renoise.
Note: This audio unit does require miRack app to be installed from the Mac App Store and therefore works on macOS 10.15 Catalina or later.